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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

TREATing LanCee GUD!~

been busy PAMPERING oUr Lancee since Friday..till today..& there r still few lagi that have to be done after today..

Tommorrow gotta bring her to JPD for inspecton..its her Bufdaayyy :s ..

she ToTaLLy got the BEST present ever from us *sigh* hehe..

but since she had been a gud to us..i guess its worth it laa aa..banyak sudah jasanya pakai ke sana ke mari...not to mention how much i wreck her too with few accidents...oopppsss

+ im doing these pun..cause i hope i can use it in long term..im not even planning on buying new car..im comfortable NOT paying for car's monthly installments :) at the moment~

Been to Lots of w/shop lately...some of then was recomended by frens..& sum r based on experience..the ones that i've experience going there but did not deal with all of it... but now i know quite a lot of car stuffs ..coz been dealing for new cooling coil, mounting, radiator cover, car servicing..brakes..bulbs..aligment..new tyre, new bumper..katok cat..haha..fuuhh..thats quite a lot kan? for a bufday gift..hopefully for this year sja ok lancee? hehe..give me space to breath coming years :)