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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

swiM 2Hrs+ = FuLL daY resT :D

SaTurday NiTe, 3rd JuLy, 2010- for some reasons..i gotta keep some details confidential..especially regarding with whom were spending our tymes LAST NITE..he he he..we were invited for a swim at HOLIDAY LODGE. Thanks to them...me & doter had FUN + greaT tyme on our SAT nite..

We HaD the POOL for OURSELVES for an Hour..mayBE ppl dont swim coz its raining..BUT we had fun swimming under the rain..haha..well~its not that heavy jua..sioklah..nda malu2 kan try floating..which im getting better sudah sikit..but unfortunately..nda sampat SHOW OFF rah urg atu..sal they went OUT for dinner..hehehe

I Told my doter that were HAVE to get out of the pool paling late 10pm..but i surrendered..it was so COLD..so i got out abt half an hour earlier & took my HOT shower...biasa...kan CLICK2 in The rOOm g..he he he

ThanKS for the inviTation...sHAriNg tymes....chocoLATES!! & PIZZA!! :D ..
LETS do iT again suM oTher Tyme.. ;)

P.S: Due TO the FUN we Had..I SPENT the next day IN BED..i was so EXHAUSTED..slept ill noon + skipped SHAHBANDAR..huhu