~~~friday afternoon, July 09th, 2010 with Kamalia~~
BEFORE- Havent took oUr lunch yet so.. off to sumbangseh coz i was craving for the GERAI 45's SOTO. But unfortunately its cLOsed..so we ended up having NASI KATOK + stall 81's Halo2 (yummy for our 1st try) for our Lunch..& our Fav POPIA PISANG~
Halo-Halo: a popular Filipino dessert that is a mixture of shaved ice and milk to which are added various boiled sweet beans and fruits, and served cold in a tall glass or bowl. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo-halo)

stRoLLing ard taKing sNaps..Thats just US :) wiLL upload the rest of the pIcs in FB saja..or this bLog wiLL be FLOODED..haha

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