......had a lil fun working today..mainly because works seems to be easier when cAlai the photocopy is there :). We were given complete instruction, demonstration, explaination & answer on how to use it by the SUPPLIER...too bad i didnt know that guy's name & even cant remember the company's name rite now..haha..
I nearly have lunch alone or not having lunch today :s ..BUT luckily, :) fudzz asked me to go out for lunch (after i made MUA MINTA KESIAN..haha)..we went to yayasan & our lunch was quite romantic..haha..we were pretty STARVING.. the zinger burger tasted SUPPER YUMMY.. :s sha2pon.. (err...havent told my daughter wat i had for lunch...im feeling a bit guilty if ate yummy2 foods w/o her..hehe..will make it up to her..i'll try doter ;) (just in case she's reading this :p))..eh..i bought earpiece for my ipod tadi at BIT..pinkish doesnt match the black ipod..nvm..hehe..I enjoyed listening to MAHER ZEIN complete album whyle jogging tadi...
ok..im here at my mom's place..havent take my shower yet....(shhhhh..hehehe)..after jogg tadi..at JP again..the princess have to be fetch at 4.30pm again today..so i cant have my date with shahbandar..hopefully tommorrow..but im planning to watch movie wit kamalia..ELCIPSE which we had planned to watch last week & she BAILED on me *cry*.. i was suppose to nyamal ne..she went out to the mall instead wahhh...padahal i BOOKED her first!! so NOT fair..i actually plan to watch eclipse NOT with her as a punishment.. (6) tapiiiii...sama sapa jua g kan liat?? lol ..btw, my lovely danyel & dania r here now...really miss them~didnt saw them for the whole week..

ok..im here at my mom's place..havent take my shower yet....(shhhhh..hehehe)..after jogg tadi..at JP again..the princess have to be fetch at 4.30pm again today..so i cant have my date with shahbandar..hopefully tommorrow..but im planning to watch movie wit kamalia..ELCIPSE which we had planned to watch last week & she BAILED on me *cry*.. i was suppose to nyamal ne..she went out to the mall instead wahhh...padahal i BOOKED her first!! so NOT fair..i actually plan to watch eclipse NOT with her as a punishment.. (6) tapiiiii...sama sapa jua g kan liat?? lol ..btw, my lovely danyel & dania r here now...really miss them~didnt saw them for the whole week..
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