...when we bought Gaga oORaaRa last year..i didnt notice the lump that he had on his stomach until fuddz mentioned it to me..we were already in the office masatu..fuddz suggested that i go back to the pet shop..minta tukar..but how could i?? i've fallen in love on 1st sight udah with it..so i decided NOT to bring him back..
Last week when i was with dania, she asked me to put Gaga in his ball..usually the mummy did that..but she was not around at that moment so i have to do it..when i asked Gaga to climb to the ball, i realized he had difficulties to do so..and i think its due to the lump that's kinda getting bigger than it was before..kesian..so, i decided to make that visiting the VET happen..for gaga's check up..
..registered under kamalia's name..our card reg # is 14965. we were explained that the card can be used for all pets that we have..not only for our 1 & only lil hamster..hehe..anyway our lucky # on that day was 14..
..registered under kamalia's name..our card reg # is 14965. we were explained that the card can be used for all pets that we have..not only for our 1 & only lil hamster..hehe..anyway our lucky # on that day was 14..
Kamalia got interested on all the posters abt animal's treatment available all the way along to the waiting area...we got nervous waiting to meet the VET..haha

But luckily..the ppls who were there with us waiting..were so friendly. everybody asked us what are we carrying in our sLing bag..we are very proud to show them our lil Gaga oOraRaa..and they started giving us prediction on wat the lump myte be..hehe Well~ since they're ANIMAL LOVERS the conversation is all abt TIPS on how to take care of em...hehehe..
kamalia was suddenly interested on being a vet herself..(she's always like that..always wanna be anybody..lol). we discussed abt WHAT IF ppls bring animals like SNAKES..or CROCODILE?? haha..sum ppl have those as a pet jua x aa...haha
anyway...when the VET check on our Gaga...they had a lil problem..hehe..gaga cant stay still (of course!). 1 of the VET got bitten ..ooppss sorry for that...but thanks for the effort. The VET explained that since the lump is empty..there shouldnt be any problem with it. Gaga might have scratch on it too much which is the reason y..its getting bigger & furless..hehehe..Gaga was given IMFLAMOL CREAM..
kamalia was suddenly interested on being a vet herself..(she's always like that..always wanna be anybody..lol). we discussed abt WHAT IF ppls bring animals like SNAKES..or CROCODILE?? haha..sum ppl have those as a pet jua x aa...haha
anyway...when the VET check on our Gaga...they had a lil problem..hehe..gaga cant stay still (of course!). 1 of the VET got bitten ..ooppss sorry for that...but thanks for the effort. The VET explained that since the lump is empty..there shouldnt be any problem with it. Gaga might have scratch on it too much which is the reason y..its getting bigger & furless..hehehe..Gaga was given IMFLAMOL CREAM..
its Like a tradition plg..after bawa gaga ke VET..we go to HJ Saban's Crib for SOTO & MEE TEOW..
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