Tuesday 13th July, 2010pm - mmm..i think this is a COME BACK birthday cake surprise for BPPK-ians :) its been a whyle..BEEN ZomBies before mana nda...hehe..but it really feels gud..(to work) in the family environment sumtimes..(cant do that everytime..understandble tu..heheh)..
aNyway~ we r celebrating our 3 Heroes..for their belated Birthday...

there's not enuf room for NAMES.. sorry for that.. :)
its a TRADITION udah..Our CiK Ron will be the oNe yg paling busy in every bday surprise occasions...dari membali kek.. (this time dgnkan by fudz & TcherSara :p) to mencari lighter..& bringing the cake to whom it may concern..we depend on HER a lot for that.. :)
ouR oNLy hoPe for the birthday song will be OUR 1 & onLy Fuddz..hehe..

Our beLated Birthday heroes..
Ak. Adi, Hj Zai & Hj RosLi(not available on that pm for he was away to campany his dad to the hospital)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of them.. may all their dreams come trU..
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