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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

15th July, 2010

Its OUR MAJESTY 64th birthday celebration. .

I didnt plan on going anywhere that day...i have to say i dont really Fancy DRIVING especially in TRAFFIC JAMS or CROWDS..even worst the difficulties to find car park..& not to forget how far im gonna walk from it..hehehe (too much excuses..i kn0 :) )

But that day..my sis & boyfie offered US to join them. Thinking of how excited my daughter was..(eventho she's ok were not going that nite) + im not gonna drive..so i dragged myself to go..

oK lah~ to spend time with all of them..but actually i got dizzy seeing LOTS of ppl in town..i was so hungry..but i find it hard to find what i wanna have for my dinner eventho there's LOTS of food available..which ends me up with NASI KATOK!! lol..

bTw pics for this post, i've downloaded them from my sis & bro's FB.. i didnt took pics that nite coz i feel UNCOMFORTABLE..hehe..