? ??????????????botanical evolution? ????? ?? ???Rating: 0.0 (0 Ratings)??11 Grabs Today. 380 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????Red Mountains Pointe? ????? ?? ???Rating: 2.5 (2 Ratings)??25 Grabs Today. 605 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


EXCAPADE SUSHI- we've been fond to SUSHI since my colleagues brought me for my 1st try..last year i think..not longer after that i introduced it to my daughter..her fav r UNAGI FIRE CHEESE & TERIYAKI DON...we dont eat raws sushi th0..hehe..beside those our usual menu would be Kane Kurage, Tuna Salad Maki, Carlifornia RoLL, Edamame? errr..i cant memorize the names yet..haha..today, my doter requested sushi for dinner..then we go strolling to The Mall which she ended up buying BEN 10 watch..(i dont kn0 y she insist on buying kids watch like that..haha)..we also went to kadai kominis hehe..bought that UPIN IPIN new episod to watch when we got home..which ended with..doTer sleeping in my room..hehe

Sunday 27th JuNe, 2010- Went to a weddiNg
with ibu danyel's families..these r what i did
after the function before balik..we lepak skajap
at danyel's..BTW that's DANIA's teddy..named
JENGGONG..he he he

Sunday, June 27, 2010

best buddies??~

IM OFFICIALLY CURED sYukur aLhamDulillah..no more headache..slight flu & coughs saja...i had to admit...these have been my BEST buddies during sickNess moment0..hahaha!! my bed~ my medication~ my AIR SUAM~ my booKs..he he..headache..so i had to read simple2 storiesss..and ofcourse..my Lappy pinjam at the moment :D ..its been so lullaby-iNg :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

the part i LUV~

...aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu~dan tlah kuberikan seluruh hatiku~tapi MENGAPA BARU KINI KAU PERTANYAKAN CINTAKU??~aku pun tak mengerti yang terjadi~apa salah dan kurang ku padamu~kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan~karna SEKALI CINTA, aku TETAP CINTA...

Friday, June 25, 2010

dont WANNA be aLone~

i wish...he he he..

i keep listening to this song tonite..

after my sis ryna post the vedio tRu Facebook..

The lyrics..love it..

to all those who r here always in my heart :)

officiaLLy sick.... :(

yeah..i think its tyme for me to get sick!! LOL!!

im gratefull i didnt have a lot of these sick2 things...i cant stand it..& of course nobody like to be in this condition..the last tyme i got sick was during fasting month last year..which is in august 09 if im not mistaken..i was given 3 days MC..& spend a lot of tyme on my pinky bed..i was so craving for soto..huhu cian lau d ingat2..my daughter took gud care of me..i didnt get out from the bed plg..but she kept checking me asking if im ok or not..+ she have to take care of herself..

p.s: dont stay too long sickness..ur making me so terrible..hehe

Thursday NiTe cHiLLiNg at Bro Mamat..

This is what we had last nite..me & my daughter got 'stranded' at bro Mamat's pLace after were back from work/shahbandar/school...coz auntie cah txt me telling that mommy cooked sayur nangka + ikan goreng..i said 'yippee nda payah masak' after reading that msg..he he he

My daughter fall asleep after having our early dinner..Bro JoL kecik came with kaka ipar tsyg + my cute danyel & dania..so i got stuck there..i dont feel well that nite...tanda2 demam is already there..when bro mamat gave 20 bucks to by foods..i requested the Roti john above...nyum2~^^^^^

satay requested by mommy & ketupat requested by auntie cah

Dania is holding Nasi katok ayam griLL

Thanks to urg lanja aa & not to forget urg yg balikan aa *winks*


This MonKey was sTaring inside OUR house...as th0 as its thinking how its gonna get in!! i was in the kitchen..preparing things for lunch..and i screamed in surprise but that doesnt make him go away..makin ada urg makin iski ya mengaga.. :s the back door was opened..i was so lucky it didnt came in tru there at the 1st place..eee..mbagi takoootttttttttttt!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 6~~

GaGa oORaRaa had been a Family Member siNce 11th Dec, 2009. I bought her as a gift for my daughter for passing her PSR. I promised her a ROCK BAND if she get NO c to f..he he.. I never imagined i would buy her an alive pet..i was thinking of buying her a GRADUATION TEDDY BEAR..but i couldnt find 1 during my searching period. eh..i think i've posted the story abt gaga udah before..so..lets get to know the new story of him.. (Y)
we brought Gaga for check up on day 6 of my holiday (suppose to bring him on day 3). WoKe up earLy...my nephew DANYEL was kinda excited to join us..guess who else? AUNTIE CAH as well..Last2 mcm sekerabat bah membawa LIL GAGA ke UNIT KESIHATAN HAIWAN, JABATAN PERTANIAN (baru tah tau banarnya..under MIPR..hehe).
When we arrived, every1 there was like..smiling seeing us bringing lil gaga in a sling bag..everybody was bringing their PET with a huge (compare to gaga's) cage..mostly CATS. When we enter the place..it was so CROWDED!! + i didnt thought that the ppl outside atu was still Q-ing up. it was REALLY2 a long Q!! so..we decided not to join that ppl in the LONG Q ..baru jua register..alum g jumpa the VET..
Guess where we brougnt Gaga that day...hehe...My daughter & nephew was hungry..so we went to HJ SABAN's to have SOTO & MEE GORENG + ICE LEMON TEA (botol basar coz milo pingnya not recommended..oppss -peace- hehe)

Gaga jadi Bodyguard~ cium bau ja ga aaa..hehe

THE KIDS ordered TWICE!!

Danyel with THE WIERD FISH..
DoTer & uMMi + their SOTO

Before going home, siNggah SKH senGkurong skajap...Kanak2 ane mana mau nda membaLi..ruGi mereka bah tu.. :S

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 5~~~

Friday, 18th June, 2010 -

Been wanTing to visit our BABY NUR ALIA..we got that chance yesterday..As i open my eyes ard 7am that morning, i directly woke my daughter up..we reached jerudong cemetary at 8am and luckily lots of ppl were still around :)

Pagar baru Tanah Perkuburan Jerudong

my daughter..Lepas bersihkan pusara adik & neneknya..
sLalunya..siap2 dari kubur, we will have breaktfast at the Indian restaurant just across the cemetary...its well-known with their yummy MURTABAK..we love the PAU as well..Nothing much of activity we did yesterday..BRO Jol kecik came with their kids..making the house RIUH seRIUH RIUHnya..hehe.. On my way to SHAHBANDAR, uJan Turun..so..i didnt do any sweating.. :s ..last but not least...cLick2 during me & daughter're having our brekkie vvv

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 4~~

June 17th, 2010-Thursday, 6.3opm (typed as draft) -im exhausted....just got back from movie..TOY STORY WAS REALLY2 AWESOME!!! u guys should watch it..especially those who haVe KIDS laa~ ..siuk berabishly!!..Its really worth every penny..me & daughter ..we keep talking abt it on our way home..

my day is fully occupied today..since we have it all planned, pagi tadi sudah ke shahbandar..then we went to tutong directly after shahbandar..of course mandi apa lu plg..hehe..went for our lunch rah KK Koya..then ke TAMU TUTONG..its my 1st tyme there..we were back from ttg ard 2pm..then sambung g ke mall for our movie..

..im gonna sleep now..i hope i will be asleep until tommorrow morning..my daughter is going out for dinner with my sis & bros..

p.s: Im awaKe at ard 9pm tadi & havent been abLe to fall back asleep till the moment i post this..i was hungry & went to buy TUNKING at JP with my sis & daughter.. he he he.. that maKe me FULL enough to go to sleep..so i guess..i wont be sleeping at least after 3am..gud Luck TcherSara..meliat kipas pusing2..ha ha ha

anyway..TOY STORY 3 really made my day...love all the character in the moVie..BUT satu saja i dont like!! y does the BAD TOY have to be PINK.. :(

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

wHat i did on DAY 3~


but we end up with all these..he he he..sorry gaga..will make it up with u on saturday hopefully~

Went to Q-Lap cineplex to buy TOY STORY 3 tickets for tommorrow show..but unfortunately tickets will only be on sale at 11am starting tommorrow..hmmm..nevermind..rule is rule lah..haha..so we went to gdg mall cinema.. & got to buy our tickets :D

WE'RE GONNA WATCH TOY STORY 3 tommorrow~~tommorrow~~
3.30PM SHOW~yippeee!!

10.51am, Msg received from Kaka ipar tersayang .." oi dng d mna kmu? Ada kmu d umh f ada kn ke sna dlm kul 12 lalu" i replied "bh ke umah emah krg ah..Ane kami jalan kajap..kn bo0king tket t0k t0y st0ry esuk..kami kn msk2..Save budgetm nada kami mkn luar..hehe"

he he he

Tauhu goreng tuk d makan bersama kicap belimau + bawang sambil2 masak..haha

oleh kerana kami lupa nguarkan ayam tuk d goreng from freezer..we end up with this!! haha.. (forgot to take snaps of d frozen cKen)

ibu danyel said this is sayur silong..wat i know its sayur TERUNG..he he he

i also ate fruits with dania..& spend sumtyme playing with her..its gud to have everybody at home..nda kerasahan sunyi whyle they were here...

went to shahbandar as usual with sis cah..when we came back the kids are still here..danyel, sakinah, dania + ibu & ayah danyel.. they went home ard 6.30pm..thats when i start updating this blog..

Went to bro mamat's place at 7.45pm to watch PENGUMUMAN KHAS..then help my daughter to do her homework..now im home..I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE :S