? ??????????????botanical evolution? ????? ?? ???Rating: 0.0 (0 Ratings)??11 Grabs Today. 380 Total Grabs.
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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ThaNks to eVery1 yG maKe ouR sYawaL berMakna :)

Its been a wHyLe..mish tyPiNg for my bLoggie...so much thiNgs happenned but not much tyme to type..hmmm..but still wanna sHare. My sYawaL has been good & miserabLe as weLL..hehe..miserabLe, that i spent my tyme a Lot sleeping..on9..hehehe..untill day 4..uNtill i dreamt abt my late bby Nur aLia.. :)

The gud thing was..ouR dad was there with us during 1st raya..syukur alhamdulliLah for us..anak bulan sYawaL nda nampaK...my dad was discHarged on sunday..& that made our Raya Nite & 1st Raya so meaningFull..& the oNe thiNg that im excited aBt was..visitiNg kubur my bby..d pagi sYawaL..

as uSuaL..foods By our MoMMy was YUMMY..biasalah..my m0m punya masakan..tiada tandiNgan for US :)..everybody was there..bUt sTiLL for me & leya there was sumting missing.. (jaga..jaga!!hehe..)..we iKut koNvoY beraya jua skajap..wiTh duraNg aYah daNyeL..but setaKat sampai ttg saja..saL Leya meNgusuT..had fun jua braya with duraNg daNyeL, daNia..saKiNah..Kaka NuruL & the resT of iBu daNYEl's FamiLy :) ThaNks for briNgiNg us aLoNg~~

......not to forGet..i had alot of fun beraya with The vooBies / BPPK-iaNs...naiK graNdis with CiK Ron & PaKcik..hehe..a reaL happenning Raya Trip..went to lots of oPen Houses..Ka BidaH's, our Mr iNcrediBLe..hehe Pg. HamRon's..ouR her0..Datu Hj DaHlan's..Hjh Natul's..ThanKs cik r0n..sudi aNgkut US bawa beraya..hehe jan jara2~~ & &...mama Hjh Mayun also bawa me & ka Bidah to her house...& yg maHalnya..before dat she treaT us Lunch at wywy..hehe..thanks~~btw ada my dream house ampir2 rumah kajah maYun..umah kutak.. (Y)

then wiTh my GeNg LePak..dg maNja..babu cleo..putri..nek xTraiL yg LuLLaby-iNg..haha..& the guys..bro sufri, bro karanzzz..bro putra, acik... raYa-iNg on saTurdaY nite..n the daY after..NyoTo at babu..& &...n n..aiman...NaNa & famiLy dtg..got to meet KaNak2...adiN, amaL, dayang & aiMan...hehe..aiman reminds me of my bby alia..if urg realize y i sangkut banar kan aiman atuuu :) dayang? ummi pink punya cutie? hehe..im hepi to see u too oK?

ermm..baNarnya i got a lot to tell lagi..but..i dont think i could type all abt it here..just we end our raya on sunday (be4 school re-open) with santai2 siring jalan..me, leya & manja..& at last saved by wg wat..at least merasa jua naik TUCSON nya..hehehe..anyway...thanks to every1 for making my raya meaningfull~~ without it..i got nothing to share with here in my bLog :) will upload all the pics rah FB..& thinking of adding slides here if sanang2 kay..gtg dulu..c ya *wink*