I was kiNda exhausted today...gosh~~ i couldnt sTaNd the weaTher outsiDe tadi..its ReaLLy HOT!!
acTuaLly aFter FetcHiNg LeYa froM scHooL i pLanned to go foR our RaYa sHoes & ManiK huNtiNg...we did went To HOKKO at qLap..& LucKily I fouNd suMthinG tHat couLd maTch 1 of ouR baJu raya..thaNk god~at Least we're not going hoMe with emPTy hands..Leya kept on comPlaiNing its hot...so, after that i directly drove hoMe..& both of us slept uNtill nearly suNgkai hours...so much for the Raya sHoes hunTing.. :s
i hoPe our raYa sHoes will be patient waitiNg for us out there..no maTter where they are... :(
acTuaLly aFter FetcHiNg LeYa froM scHooL i pLanned to go foR our RaYa sHoes & ManiK huNtiNg...we did went To HOKKO at qLap..& LucKily I fouNd suMthinG tHat couLd maTch 1 of ouR baJu raya..thaNk god~at Least we're not going hoMe with emPTy hands..Leya kept on comPlaiNing its hot...so, after that i directly drove hoMe..& both of us slept uNtill nearly suNgkai hours...so much for the Raya sHoes hunTing.. :s
i hoPe our raYa sHoes will be patient waitiNg for us out there..no maTter where they are... :(

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