Wednesday, September 16, 2009
GeT weLL sOOn ciK roN~~~~
1st of aLL....i goT permission daH to pubLisH the pHotos that we took i guess i could aLso publish a summary oN wHat Happen to Our CiK ron..specially For ppL yg Lum tau wHat had happen to her.. oN saTurday morning, 12/09/09..when i was preparing myself to work..i was text on MSN by fudzz telling me tHat 'pakcik' msg her to inform dat cik r0n was involved in a car accident.. :s kabak2 tarus jantung bah..rasa nda kan g his msg he told fuDdz that he was with cikron..d i directly msg cik ron..asking how her condition was..and in few mins she replied..telling that she had internal bleeding & her ankle ada fracture..i wish i could be there with her..really~
to make it & Fudzz visited her after work..& we r quite shoCk to see her coNdition..cian 0ur ciK ron..udah tah damit....i couLd see how in pain was sHe..but she tried to taLk to us jua..Our 2nd visit was on Monday..she looks a bit better than the first visit..i feel a lil relief laaa..& yesterday..she's even better since she said..she was allow to go to the toilet udah..berseri2 muanya cerita..ia dah sisir rambut..bla bla bla..hehehe aNy way..i pRay for her HeaLth...hoPe she will geT well soon...BPPK is suNyi w/0 U ciK ron..
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