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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

QuaLiTy TyMe~~

sTiLL yesTerday...aFter HaViNg suNgkai..Me & Leya..headed to GIANT @RIMBA..saja jalan2..survey a.k.a nyukat kadai. i thiNk we've there for nearly 2 hours..ramai urg eyh..wHat i didnt realise was...i had a Great time jusT by STROLLiNg aroud that plaCe with my BeloVed LeYa :) Leya mcm biasa..abis kan d Tagurnya..before baLik we siT on 1 of the benChes siRing KFC atu mamam Buah & cHit cHat..we talk abt aNything & eVerythiNg..hehe (Pics in sLide BELOW :p)

Today~after droppiNg by Sis Suga ke CHELIZ @Q-LaP rebonDing rambuT ( :( jelessshh)..saMbuNg jaLan2 g wiTh Leya saMbiL2 tuNggu my sis siap laaa...& before we started our adVentuRe..we came accross this Shop..& we bought same t.shirt..but ofcoZ different size laaa..TARUS PAKAI ane bah..hahaha..Im gLad Leya was eXcited to wear saMe sHirt as mine.. :D We went to QLAP MALL...then to banDar...siNce malas kan ke Mall gadong balik2 jua udah..pandai jua boring...Meriah baNdar atu with FOREIGNERS..sampai kami ane p0n maybe kena fiKir foreigner i bet..haha..iski tia lagi kami begambar..mcm tourist..hehe bLurih hadiah daNia plg tanpa di sangka2 & tidak di rancang...sempat jua TERemosi skajap tadi bila lintas pat baju2 baby..ada this baby gown..very beautifulll..i said to myself..it would have been pretty if my bby aLia wear it untuk raya :)

....ok, tonite..while i was bz sewing beads 4 OUR baju raya..Leya asked me to accompany her watch her New DVD...our 1st movie was LEGALLY BLONDES..tinggal manik tarus eyh..haha its a gud movie..then we watch BRING IT ON FIGHT TO THE FINISH...sal cheerleader aa..LucKy i like this kind of movies jua...the best part was..SPENDING MY TYME IN ONE SOFA WITH MY DAUGHTER LAUGHING TOGETHER...