? ??????????????botanical evolution? ????? ?? ???Rating: 0.0 (0 Ratings)??11 Grabs Today. 380 Total Grabs.
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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ThaNks to eVery1 yG maKe ouR sYawaL berMakna :)

Its been a wHyLe..mish tyPiNg for my bLoggie...so much thiNgs happenned but not much tyme to type..hmmm..but still wanna sHare. My sYawaL has been good & miserabLe as weLL..hehe..miserabLe, that i spent my tyme a Lot sleeping..on9..hehehe..untill day 4..uNtill i dreamt abt my late bby Nur aLia.. :)

The gud thing was..ouR dad was there with us during 1st raya..syukur alhamdulliLah for us..anak bulan sYawaL nda nampaK...my dad was discHarged on sunday..& that made our Raya Nite & 1st Raya so meaningFull..& the oNe thiNg that im excited aBt was..visitiNg kubur my bby..d pagi sYawaL..

as uSuaL..foods By our MoMMy was YUMMY..biasalah..my m0m punya masakan..tiada tandiNgan for US :)..everybody was there..bUt sTiLL for me & leya there was sumting missing.. (jaga..jaga!!hehe..)..we iKut koNvoY beraya jua skajap..wiTh duraNg aYah daNyeL..but setaKat sampai ttg saja..saL Leya meNgusuT..had fun jua braya with duraNg daNyeL, daNia..saKiNah..Kaka NuruL & the resT of iBu daNYEl's FamiLy :) ThaNks for briNgiNg us aLoNg~~

......not to forGet..i had alot of fun beraya with The vooBies / BPPK-iaNs...naiK graNdis with CiK Ron & PaKcik..hehe..a reaL happenning Raya Trip..went to lots of oPen Houses..Ka BidaH's, our Mr iNcrediBLe..hehe Pg. HamRon's..ouR her0..Datu Hj DaHlan's..Hjh Natul's..ThanKs cik r0n..sudi aNgkut US bawa beraya..hehe jan jara2~~ & &...mama Hjh Mayun also bawa me & ka Bidah to her house...& yg maHalnya..before dat she treaT us Lunch at wywy..hehe..thanks~~btw ada my dream house ampir2 rumah kajah maYun..umah kutak.. (Y)

then wiTh my GeNg LePak..dg maNja..babu cleo..putri..nek xTraiL yg LuLLaby-iNg..haha..& the guys..bro sufri, bro karanzzz..bro putra, acik... raYa-iNg on saTurdaY nite..n the daY after..NyoTo at babu..& &...n n..aiman...NaNa & famiLy dtg..got to meet KaNak2...adiN, amaL, dayang & aiMan...hehe..aiman reminds me of my bby alia..if urg realize y i sangkut banar kan aiman atuuu :) dayang? ummi pink punya cutie? hehe..im hepi to see u too oK?

ermm..baNarnya i got a lot to tell lagi..but..i dont think i could type all abt it here..just we end our raya on sunday (be4 school re-open) with santai2 siring jalan..me, leya & manja..& at last saved by wg wat..at least merasa jua naik TUCSON nya..hehehe..anyway...thanks to every1 for making my raya meaningfull~~ without it..i got nothing to share with here in my bLog :) will upload all the pics rah FB..& thinking of adding slides here if sanang2 kay..gtg dulu..c ya *wink*

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

SeLaMaT HaRi RaYa aiDiLFiTri~~

a VeRy HaPPy HaRi RaYa to aLL~~~ :) moHoN maaF zaHiR & BaTiN for my wroNg doiNgs..yg terseNgaja or TanPa diseDari..HaVe a GreaT raya eveRybody~~Happy raYa to my BeLoveD Leya..ummi is Here..ceLebratiNg especiaLLy for u...to mY faMiLy..to aLL my frenss...sorry, f u didNt get aNy rePLy from me..hehe..ThaNks for txtiNg :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

we R praYiNg 4 daD's GuD HeaLTh~~

BETTER WATCHOUT WHAT U EAT!! Thats whats our dad sentence of the daY.. :) syukur aLhamdulillah...daD got out from the operation room concious ard 2pm today. All i could saY is..i feel relief to see him again..& hear him telling us, excitedly what had happened in the operation room...i kn0 he dont want us to experience the operation room like he did..thats y he cant stop saying to watch what we're eating...I just hope, wish & pray he had a better health after this & so on....

Today, instead of my pLan to go huNt for our Raya sHoes & suNgkai at MCd..or waTch moVie & suNgkai PoPcoRn...we had our suNgkai outside ward 7..Leya's the oNe who was so excited kaN suNgkai di spital ane..I had no idea how was it gonna be..but, it turN out not bad...we ate on beNches together..hehe..The FooDs was sNapped By sis Suga...Todays special is soMe menu from NyoNya Restaurant..Their BuTter Milk chickeN & Butter Prawn...ada maccaroni saLad as well...hehe...oUr desert was a yummY caKe..vico nestum(uKan nama sebenar coz nda ingat)..Bro MamaT said org Kementerian Ugama buat..he brought it from his fwen..s0dap berabishhh.. (Y)..ada kuih2 jua tadi..tapi nampaKnya ouR cameraguRL kelupahan menggambar :p

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

GeT weLL sOOn ciK roN~~~~

1st of aLL....i goT permission daH to pubLisH the pHotos that we took yesTerday..so i guess i could aLso publish a summary oN wHat Happen to Our CiK ron..specially For ppL yg Lum tau wHat had happen to her.. oN saTurday morning, 12/09/09..when i was preparing myself to work..i was text on MSN by fudzz telling me tHat 'pakcik' msg her to inform dat cik r0n was involved in a car accident.. :s kabak2 tarus jantung bah..rasa nda kan g tebaju..ermm..in his msg he told fuDdz that he was with cikron..d emergency..so i directly msg cik ron..asking how her condition was..and in few mins she replied..telling that she had internal bleeding & her ankle ada fracture..i wish i could be there with her..really~

to make it short..me & Fudzz visited her after work..& we r quite shoCk to see her coNdition..cian 0ur ciK ron..udah tah damit....i couLd see how in pain was sHe..but she tried to taLk to us jua..Our 2nd visit was on Monday..she looks a bit better than the first visit..i feel a lil relief laaa..& yesterday..she's even better since she said..she was allow to go to the toilet udah..berseri2 muanya cerita..ia dah sisir rambut..bla bla bla..hehehe aNy way..i pRay for her HeaLth...hoPe she will geT well soon...BPPK is suNyi w/0 U ciK ron..

Monday, September 14, 2009

The LaSt 2 MoVies~~

i wouLd liKe to sHare mY view aBt the Last 2 moVies dat i waTched in My DVD maraThon session yeSterday...hehehe..i really need to...

Ghost of GirlFrens Past
is a uNique movie lahh..The begining is Quite lame for me..coZ i reaLLy hate that connor Mead guy...huh..bUt When his uncle aL's gHost appear..the moVie started to get exciTiNg..unPredictabLe which maKes me dont wanna move from the Sofa (saNggup Kan suNgkai indomee saja..hahaha) recommended!! should watch this movie..ok?

aNd the Last 1, HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO U, i think its a great movie which aNswers a lot of questions abt guys..which made me aware..how guys suppose to act when they care abt gurls.. :) and logically..i think its tRu..th0 its not 100% it all make a lot of sense..IF GUY'S INTO U THEY WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN..1 part of the endiNg whicH i Lyke was..mayBe a Happy endiNg is to Move on..its sound so rite..ladies? u should watch this..u need those information in this movie...trust me.. :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

DVD maRaThoN~~

SaTurday NiTe - Me, iM a HoMeY tYpe of PeRsoN...so DVD maRaThoN-iNg is a suiTabLe acTiVity For me...KaLau daH saNgaL meNgadaP LappY or Hp..i'LL do This suMtyMe..so Last NiTe i do This aCtiViTy wiTh mY BeLoVed LeYa..we Watch the 1st 2 moVies TogetHer..pas atu ia tDo..im gLad jua siNce the next movie atu ada adengan2 yg tidak sesuai utk ditonton olehnya hihihi :pHaNNah MonTana - waT i Like Most is the soNgs...ada 1 soNg yg i was really toucHed mendgr...u,me, US..kept me safE & s0und at nite..u were always there wen i l0ok bAck..it must have beEn hard as it cud be~(copy paste dari FB? awuu.... :p) mcm sesuai for my BeloVed Leya dat soNg...i aLwaYs feel that she's been there for me..e eyhhh~ kuar topic i ane udah..back to topic TcherSara!! ok ok Tchersara :)
MaJor MoVie STar - NoT bad~~ i couLd predict waTs goNNa haPpen in This MoVie udah..buT iTs sTiLL enJoyaBLe lahh..saL HeroNya QuiTe HANDSOME atu x...hehehhehe
OBSESSED - i was eXcited to see BeYonCe KnowLes acTuaLLy..but in the begiNing ia kuraNg meNoNjoL diKit..But iN the eNd fuuhhh~~ caya lah u BeyoNce..teBayaNg2 maseh How ia BeBUKUT ma lisa :x pai Tarek2 kaKi..hahaha NgaNya yg nda caLi atu bah eNdiNgnya sLalu tah Kan cato..uDah heRoinNya betuNgkus LuMus besaBuNg nYawa (Lurus kah?) nYeLamatkan diri...ada cia...aaadddaaa cia buNyi siren keTa pulis aaaa...hahahahaha beK plg nada tuu..aNNoYned plg i lehnya...hahahaha mcm we Kn0 jua udah tu..mestilah ada pulis dtg at the end..hehehe aNYwaY.....a GUd MoVie!!!
GHosT oF GirLfrieNds PasT - Errr...nda coNceNtraTe waTch diz moVie coZ i goT disTracTed :) ...theN i fall asleep sKajap taPi baNgun laGi saL haVe to go to kuBur...so i'll watch diz MoVie seMula Krg...ani i waNNa maKe my seLf sLeep lu.. ok?
He's JusT NOT thaT inTo U - aLuAlign Centerm Liat..krg k...hehehe

FaMiLy acTiViTieS~

LasT NiTe
- MaiN BuNga aPi & BadiL d HaLamaN uMah...daNia kaLau baDiL meLatuP nda mau pijaK tanah..naPa kah Ya...hahaha

This MorNiNg-
ZiaRaH Our LaTe daddy, TusiN BiN Hj Sia & My LaTe Bby Nur Alia Bte KhaiRuL Rijal @ TanaH PerKubuRan JeruDoNg. TahLiL was Lead By aYaH daNyeL..& raMai2 Baca Yaasin..

KaNaK2nya was ExciTed meyiram Pusara.. :) semoGa roH2 mereKa dicucuri RaHMat...aMin ya RaBbal ALaminnn~~~