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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

HaPPy BeLaTeD BuFdaY to DaNyeL & DaNia~

Date: 30th Aug, 2008 Time: WaKtu BeRSuNgKai VeNue: Ban 5, daNYeL's Place HePi birThday to uuu~HePi birThday to uuu~HePi birThday to daNyeL & daNia...HePi birThday to uuu~ *cLap Hand* heeeeeee... DaNyeL turned 8 on 23rd JuLy,09 & daNia TurNed 3 on 17th Aug, 2009..today we gather together at danYel's place to celebrate their bufdays tarus suNgkai (yth mbaginya nda bangun2 tadi sal dgn penuh konfident nda pyh masak ;D (i LyKe..haha))..hehe ummi luM baLi preseNt 4 daNia..suppoSe to jaLan caRi tadi tapi meRakat di tiLam na mau baNgun2..wait nia aaa~~hahaa :p anyhoWs..uMMi doaKan daNyeL & daNia menjaDi aNaK2 yg soleH & soLeHah..pintar..(walaupun aNdang pinTar dah..heee)...sehat..pa lagi arrr..ermmm..wish every happiness & success for both of them..luv yaaahhh~~muacks.. & To iBu daNyeL's Family? thaNks for iNviTiNg..the food was yummy.... :) i dont think i could sahur g ne krg..kekanyangan berabishlyyyy~~ hehe