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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Friday, August 13, 2010


i was just checking the post that i've drafted but havent been post here...hehe..i do have lots of tyme to update my blog in 2 weeks time..will try to get back with those drafted & saved post later.

August, 11th 2010-Wednesday...here are sum pics on the last day before puasa..me & doter went to Hua Ho tg Bunut cause she said she was starving enuf that she cud not wait any longer for the MAKAN2 at bro mamat's place that nite...& which she end up sleeping directly when we arrived there..

Nasi goreng Pataya & Tuna pie? eh i forgot the name..hehe 90cent saja ne this tuna pie watever..my favs..hehe..d hua ho Bakery aaa
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Hua Ho Buttermilk Bun & err..?pau..i dont know y i forgot the name :s what i remember is its only worth 60cent & the best i ever tried..compare to other bakery..so far

anyway..thanks to bro mamat for the food treat...everybody was there..the nite before Ramadhan..but i just realized i didnt took any pics of the food..hehe..but surely it made me bloated..fuuhh...