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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

DVD maRaThoN~~

SaTurday NiTe - Me, iM a HoMeY tYpe of PeRsoN...so DVD maRaThoN-iNg is a suiTabLe acTiVity For me...KaLau daH saNgaL meNgadaP LappY or Hp..i'LL do This suMtyMe..so Last NiTe i do This aCtiViTy wiTh mY BeLoVed LeYa..we Watch the 1st 2 moVies TogetHer..pas atu ia tDo..im gLad jua siNce the next movie atu ada adengan2 yg tidak sesuai utk ditonton olehnya hihihi :pHaNNah MonTana - waT i Like Most is the soNgs...ada 1 soNg yg i was really toucHed mendgr...u,me, US..kept me safE & s0und at nite..u were always there wen i l0ok bAck..it must have beEn hard as it cud be~(copy paste dari FB? awuu.... :p) mcm sesuai for my BeloVed Leya dat soNg...i aLwaYs feel that she's been there for me..e eyhhh~ kuar topic i ane udah..back to topic TcherSara!! ok ok Tchersara :)
MaJor MoVie STar - NoT bad~~ i couLd predict waTs goNNa haPpen in This MoVie udah..buT iTs sTiLL enJoyaBLe lahh..saL HeroNya QuiTe HANDSOME atu x...hehehhehe
OBSESSED - i was eXcited to see BeYonCe KnowLes acTuaLLy..but in the begiNing ia kuraNg meNoNjoL diKit..But iN the eNd fuuhhh~~ caya lah u BeyoNce..teBayaNg2 maseh How ia BeBUKUT ma lisa :x pai Tarek2 kaKi..hahaha NgaNya yg nda caLi atu bah eNdiNgnya sLalu tah Kan cato..uDah heRoinNya betuNgkus LuMus besaBuNg nYawa (Lurus kah?) nYeLamatkan diri...ada cia...aaadddaaa cia buNyi siren keTa pulis aaaa...hahahahaha beK plg nada tuu..aNNoYned plg i lehnya...hahahaha mcm we Kn0 jua udah tu..mestilah ada pulis dtg at the end..hehehe aNYwaY.....a GUd MoVie!!!
GHosT oF GirLfrieNds PasT - Errr...nda coNceNtraTe waTch diz moVie coZ i goT disTracTed :) ...theN i fall asleep sKajap taPi baNgun laGi saL haVe to go to kuBur...so i'll watch diz MoVie seMula Krg...ani i waNNa maKe my seLf sLeep lu.. ok?
He's JusT NOT thaT inTo U - aLuAlign Centerm Liat..krg k...hehehe