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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

daNyeL's 9th Birthday~

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BirtHday BOY: MD Deen DanYeL Bin ZulKifLi
Date: 23rd JuLy, 2010
Age: 9 Years oLd
Celebration: 24th JuLy 2010
Venue: Bro Mamat's CRIB

hepi birthday anak umiiii~ :) bro mamat planned a surprise lil celebration for our nephew the next nite of his birthday...and ..it really works..hehe..he really got shocked!

They're suppose to come at 8.30pm that nite..but unfortunately, they were caught in traffics after they attend a birthday party sumwere at town..the parent didnt know abt our plan..WE, who were waiting at home..we're soooo starving that we have to eat earlier..cant wait for the birthday boy any longer..

better mute the volume be4 watching the vedio..hahaha (suara umminya basar hantap..biasa..her danyel bday..so over excited..lol)

i havent buy anything for danyel that day..been searching for sumting..but i cant find anything that i think he'll like..so, after the birthday cake surprise..i asked him what he want.. i didnt expect he would still want TOY..hehe..i tought he dont play toys anymore..haha.. anyway~ in conjuction of his birthday..he got a DATE with me on friday, 30th July 2010.. had fun with the birthday boy atu ;)

We WatcH this MoVie.. *thumbs up*

The BirtHday Present daT he cHose...