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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

wHat i did on DAY 3~


but we end up with all these..he he he..sorry gaga..will make it up with u on saturday hopefully~

Went to Q-Lap cineplex to buy TOY STORY 3 tickets for tommorrow show..but unfortunately tickets will only be on sale at 11am starting tommorrow..hmmm..nevermind..rule is rule lah..haha..so we went to gdg mall cinema.. & got to buy our tickets :D

WE'RE GONNA WATCH TOY STORY 3 tommorrow~~tommorrow~~
3.30PM SHOW~yippeee!!

10.51am, Msg received from Kaka ipar tersayang .." oi dng d mna kmu? Ada kmu d umh f ada kn ke sna dlm kul 12 lalu" i replied "bh ke umah emah krg ah..Ane kami jalan kajap..kn bo0king tket t0k t0y st0ry esuk..kami kn msk2..Save budgetm nada kami mkn luar..hehe"

he he he

Tauhu goreng tuk d makan bersama kicap belimau + bawang sambil2 masak..haha

oleh kerana kami lupa nguarkan ayam tuk d goreng from freezer..we end up with this!! haha.. (forgot to take snaps of d frozen cKen)

ibu danyel said this is sayur silong..wat i know its sayur TERUNG..he he he

i also ate fruits with dania..& spend sumtyme playing with her..its gud to have everybody at home..nda kerasahan sunyi whyle they were here...

went to shahbandar as usual with sis cah..when we came back the kids are still here..danyel, sakinah, dania + ibu & ayah danyel.. they went home ard 6.30pm..thats when i start updating this blog..

Went to bro mamat's place at 7.45pm to watch PENGUMUMAN KHAS..then help my daughter to do her homework..now im home..I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE :S