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CoNgRaTs To My BeLoVeD DaugHTer..She PaSSed Her PSR..wiSh Her aLL tHe BesT iN The FuTuRe :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

erMm..desPiTe LeYa wasNt here wiTh me today coZ she's ceLebratiNg aZima's bufday...i eNjoY my suNgKai siNce its my 1sT reaL fasting...hehehe..AyaH daNyeL's & FaMiLy was HeRe...so we maNaged to buaT saLad resePi iBu daNyeL..heeee..bro MamaT cooKed SpaGeTTi which iS so YuMMy..MoMMy BuaT doNuT uBi MaNis FaVreT siS rYna..suP aYam..saYuR KacaNg..eVeryThiNg is PerFeecT :) buT as Sis SuGa menTioN in her STatuS d FB..yeah...i also miss bersuNgKai wiTh daDDy..i wiSh, hoPe & praY daddy wiLL get weLL soon.aminnn~~~reallycaNt baRe to see him Like tHat..

aNyway...i Have SpagHeTTi, saLad & iCe-creaM for my suNgKai today... :) syukur aLhamDuLiLLah~~