- Ok..looKing foward for the actual day..im confident that Seri Mulia Sarjana's student will give the best performance!! Their graduatian ceremony always BLAST!! so sad that this is the last year for my leya there..
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
GraDuaTioN FeVer~
Posted by TcherSara at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
The GraNdcHiLds & Their GraNNy (Nenek gurL & NeNeK boY)
Posted by TcherSara at 7:10 PM 0 comments
.....WeLcoMe myseLf bacK~hehe
..its BeeN a LoNg TyMe BLoggie..mwahz..mish u a loT..but i Need InpiraTioNs to posT suMtiNg here..hehe..wHicH i ThiNk i doNt get that a Lot..BuT Thanks to My BeloVed LeYa..she've my inspiraTion aLL the The time..
yesTerday and the day before have been the Buziest daY since i dunno when..haha..I was SMSed by my doter to check her PSR result via Internet.."ummi, check kan result leya..azima ada dah resultnya..n ia pass.." omg~ i got nervous..i kn0 she'll pass her exam but still..not kn0wing abt it made me really2 nervous...haha..luckily..lots of my colleagues pun..their kids were also sitting for the same PSR..at least i gotta share the ke-nervous-an atu with them..& others are also bz googling for the result in the internet..
at Last nurul suggested me to register via MOE sms..which i did..and at last..after abt 30 mins..i got the reply...my Leya passed her PSR with 2 b's, 2 c's and 1 d... syukur alhamdulillah~ i fowarded the sms to her..then give her a call to wish her congrats.. :) i cuD sense her Unsatisfaction..but i dont want her to regret all her hard work that she'd done..i kn0 she'd tried her best..i've been with her all nights..for the past few months..a tiriNg nigth of revisions..& im proud with all that she had done..i dont think me myself..studied that hard when i took my PCE..i dont remember i studied at all..but maybe i was lucky..hehe..anyway..i told her ."U tried ur best..i kno u worked hard..& if ur not satisfy with wat u get..try to improve again in the future..in secondary school..." i Hope..she learn sumting from wat i said atu..still ummi is proud of u leya.. :)
...she decided to go to goverment school next year..a fren remind me that nite that i shouLd be BZ uruskan her school after this..which i totally forget..hehe..& the next day i was bZ asking all abt it at my office..ThanKs again to my coNcern colleagues..They've been giVing me good infos abt it..syg them~~~they've been a gud help :) i also called my doter's school to get sum info....ptg atu jua i go to MOE at Ong sum ping to take the forms..hope everything will go smooth..I can do this!! hehe..im just glad that im surrounded with kwn2 yg prihatin..thanks guys..u kno who u are :)

...This CuTe Teddy is from my doTer..she bought it during her School trip To Miriii...its so cute!! :) she told me, its the 1st thing that she bought..she wanna buy sumting for her ummi ane lu before spending her pocket money buying sumting else.. :D love u darliNg~~ this teddy i put it in my car..evrytime i drive i'll look at it..smiling whyle driving.. :)

Puteri NoRizah..we got to meet her..my doter is a big fan of her..so i was excited when i got Worlwide motors invitation proton exora's launcing..stating that the Pu3 will be performing..but actually my leya she got nervous..nda mau take pics with her..she got scared..hehe..tapi umminya kinda majal..bila lagi kan? so..i dragged her to take sum pics..but she didnt even talk to her idol atu..haha

...and last but not least..i think for the past weeks..BPPK was a bit happening..hehe..surprised bday for our her0..then BaBu's treat..The aminah arif's treat..the ice cream treat..haha..anyway..im with KBS, MOE programme masane ..so..gotta watch wat i eat..i'll not be in my office every tue 3.30pm and sats afternoon..thanks for the support BPPK-ians~
Posted by TcherSara at 1:47 PM 0 comments